Crossroad Tendring and Colchester

Services Provided

We provide regular weekly services, same day, same time and more importantly with the same community support worker. We also provide as and when services but can not guarantee the same community support worker.

We can offer overnight services. Our minimum service time is one hour at a rate of £22,50 per hour which means our services are not rushed.

Crossroad Tendring and Colchester Adult Services


  • Sitting services
  • Personal care
  • Medication Prompting
  • Shopping
  • Light Household duties – restricted to 45mins for each service
  • Assisting with correspondence
  • Assisting with access to the community
  • Promoting Independence
Crossroad Tendring and Colchester

Children With Disabilities:

  • Sitting services
  • Personal care
  • Medication Prompting
  • Promoting Independence
  • Promoting Life skills
  • Outcome focused services.

“Thank you for the flexibility and service that your service brings”

Grants Available

Carer Tester Service

If no carers direct payment is in place we can deliver up to 6 hours free care to see if the respite service suits the carer and the cared for. To receive this funding the carer and cared for must be living together and the cared for is deemed to be at risk if left alone. If the carer requires more time they can pay privately. This service is funded by Colchester Catalyst and a small contribution towards services of £20 is required.

Couples Outings Services

This is for couples who would struggle to go out together on their own either due to mobility or behavior issues etc. We will provide a community support worker to go out with the couple if they need to use the care support workers car mileage will be charged at 45p per mile payable direct to community support worker. This is funded by Colchester Catalyst.

Half Price Bathing Service

This service is offered to the elderly who are on a limited income, this means the client would pay half hour normal hourly rate for the hours service. Funded by John Fowler Smith.

Bereavement Service

For clients that receive services from Crossroads and the cared for has passed away we are offering a service for 3 weeks for up to 2 hours per week to support the carer.

This is funded by Colchester Catalyst.

Carers Direct Payments

Most of our clients are in receipt of a carers direct payment from Essex County Council. This is a pot of money which is given for a year for the purpose of carers to pay for respite breaks. This payment is not means tested and is based on the following criteria, you must live with the person that you care for and they must be deemed to be at risk if left on their own.

“Our carer is a lovely person she understands what is going on which is not easy to do”